Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sick With It

It was simply impossible to post anything from home last night.  I was convinced that I was about to die on Monday night.  I started to run a fever.  The lowest score that the thermometer rendered was 99.9 on Monday night, and the highest was 101.9, yesterday morning.  My body and head ached severely.  I knew I needed some sort of medical treatment.  My boyfriend was sweet enough to take me to the doctor and fill out the paperwork while I lay dying on my Alice In Wonderland pillow, with my Happy Bunny Pajama pants, sporting my glasses.  Not a pretty picture, more like a feverish, hot mess.  So I am on the road to recovery, armed with antibiotics and lidocaine gargle stuff for my throat hole. 


  1. I hate being sick...I am finally just now getting over whatever I had :/ Get better soon!!
