Thursday, June 17, 2010


I was showing my "birthmark" to one of my classmates yesterday so I thought I would post it on the good ol' blog.  These are my baby's actual birth footprints!  I took the page of her baby book to the tattoo shop in Addison, TX.  This is by far my most meaningful and most beautiful tattoo.  My daughter is Nataleigh Nancy.  Her name is derived from a combination of my middle name Leigh and her dead beat dad's name, Nathan.  Nancy is after his mother who has passed.  Which pissed off my mother; she wanted part of her name shoved in there.  I told her she would have to die before that would ever be a possibility and that her name sucks.  Bonnita Marie, a white lady!  Come on now, seriously?  Was her mother banging the gardener or what?  Lol


  1. i LOVE LOVE This tattoo! so cute and adorable! it looks really good!

  2. Great story, great humor. :)

  3. It could be Nataleigh Bonancy...or Nannita...I like Nannita personally. But hey, the name's in ink so it's not like it's going to chance.

  4. Isn't it so cool what they can do nowadays? Love it.
