Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Fatty McButterpants

I have been in OKC for 2 years now.  In that time frame I have put on 40 pounds!  I gotta lose some weight, stat.  You know like when you try to put yourself on a diet and all you can think about is what you can and can't eat?  I obsess about it.  My doctor won't write out a script for diet pills, damn her.  I am eating cookies that I just got out of the vending machine as I blog this.  It doesn't help that my boyfriend is a chef and I am a "good eater".  He is really excited about me meeting his mother this summer.  He said she will cook for me non-stop and love me because I am such a "good eater".  But seriously, the Apocalypse could happen at any moment.  If it all goes down I don't want to die not having eaten a big ass slice of carrot cake.  I would like to think that Jesus will roll in with a pan of brownies or something.  Surely in heaven I can eat gummy bears all day?  Any suggestions for an appetite suppressant?


  1. Eat a lot of fiber bars! They make them where they actually taste good now and they fill you up!! They are meal can find them by the pharmacy in target next to all the diet pills!

  2. hahah i love it! I say drink lots and lots of water!! It fills you up and it's absolutely NO calories! And I've known people who've lost several pounds just from cutting soda out of their diet. Soda is a lot of calories. And I figure I'll save those calories for elsewhere!

  3. ^2nd that. I work where I can't always take a break to eat, just scarf something down on the job. Kashi makes good tasting bars with 10 grams of protein, and the snickers protein bars are also tasty, and have like 22 grams. lol
    Also, my buddies' wife goes to a boot camp style workout class held in the park downtown. She's lost about 30 lbs in about 2 months. Its nuts....

  4. I was on a diet pill for three weeks and had to call it quits. I felt so speedy and irritable. SO you dont want that. Although I did lose a couple just wasnt worth the stress and anxiety. All I think about when I think of losing weight is the forbidden and then oops I'm in the drive-thru line at Taco Bell! ;-)

  5. Yeah, I don't do soda at all anymore. I drink unsweet tea like a fiend.

  6. I say EAT!!! I love food so much 2, wow i just sounded really fat lol, so if you wana slide over your plate to me ill eat it for you!!! I do however know someone if you wana talk to me about it!

  7. Arbonne sales these "Figure 8" all natural chocolate taffy chews that actually suppress your appetite for hours. My mom is a consultant. I think they are about $14 a bag or so. My husband from Germany has gained 18 pounds by living in the USA for 11 months. Something is wrong with our food! I'm sayin.

  8. I second that big ass slice of carrot cake!

  9. I say eat too! Maybe stay away from too many cookies and what have you, but dieting is miserable. I think the biggest thing with this part of the country is the lack of physical routine. It's more sedentary and less active. Exercising though is more enjoyable, believe it or not, than dieting.

  10. My husband's doctor told him to try Cinnamon, it is a natural appetite suppressant. Your doctor may actually be doing you a favor by not prescribing you a diet pill. I know I've tried them. They work great while you are taking them but once you stop you gain back twice the amount of weight you lost. Besides, you can't take diet pills forever. Try losing weight the natural way, it will come off alot slower but it will stay off. It's all about changing your lifestyle. You can do it!! Anyway, you look great!!
